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January 6, 24

NEWS / US representative's death certificate Suggests Infection; Family Blames Facility in Medical Negligence Lawsuit

The family of the late Texas Rep. Eddie Bernice Johnson is now preparing to file a medical negligence lawsuit against a Dallas-based healthcare provider and rehabilitation facility, alleging that she died from an infection acquired after lying in her own feces following back surgery.

Johnson, a trailblazer who first served as a registered nurse before heading to Congress, passed away peacefully at her Dallas home on December 31 at the age of 89. However, her death certificate paints a stark picture of her final days, listing the cause of death as osteomyelitis of the lumbar spine – a bone infection typically caused by bacteria.

"If she had gotten proper care at that facility, she would be here today," Johnson's son Kirk said, his voice heavy with emotion, as he recounted the events leading up to his mother's death. The alleged incident unfolded at the Baylor Scott & White Institute for Rehabilitation, where Johnson was transferred following back surgery.

According to a press release issued by Les Weisbrod, Johnson's longtime friend and attorney, on September 21, Kirk discovered his mother in a horrifying state – lying in her own feces and urine at the facility. He had rushed to check on her after she called, unable to get any response from the nurses' call button. "Deplorable," he choked out, as quoted by Fox News, describing the scene. "She was being unattended to, screaming out in pain and for help."

The press release adds that when Kirk, unable to find any nurses on the floor, alerted the administration, the CEO himself accompanied him to his mother's room. Upon arrival, staff members were already cleaning up the mess.

Further adding weight to the family's claims, Johnson's orthopedic surgeon documented in his records that, just three days after the alleged incident, she began experiencing "copious purulent drainage from the low lumbar incision," the Associated Press reports.

According to the press release, the surgeon performed a surgical repair on the infected wound. However, the damage was done. Johnson was subsequently moved to a nursing facility on October 18, ultimately returning home for hospice care in mid-December. Laboratory tests of wound cultures revealed organisms directly related to feces, bolstering the family's belief in negligence.

Weisbrod has served notice to Baylor Scott & White Health System and the Institute for Rehabilitation of the impending lawsuit. "We don't want money," Kirk emphasized. "We want accountability. We want this never to happen to another family."

Eddie Bernice Johnson, a towering figure in Dallas politics and beyond, served as a beacon of hope and a relentless advocate for her constituents throughout her distinguished career. In an era marked by segregation and limited opportunities, she shattered glass ceilings, becoming the first registered nurse elected to Congress and the first Black chief psychiatric nurse at Dallas' Veterans Affairs hospital.

Her legacy resonates through her numerous achievements, including becoming the first Black woman to chair the House Committee on Science, Space and Technology, and serving as head of the Congressional Black Caucus. Even after leaving office in January 2023, she remained a powerful voice for progress and social justice. Her death, shrouded in the allegations of negligence, stands as a stark reminder of the responsibility medical institutions hold and the devastating consequences of failing to fulfill it.

President Biden, in a statement paying tribute to Johnson, lauded her as "a dedicated nurse, state legislator, and longtime U.S. congresswoman with immense courage and a commitment to the promise of America." Her life story, while one of remarkable personal triumph, tragically ends on a note of potential medical failure. As legal proceedings begin, the fight for justice for Eddie Bernice Johnson and the pursuit of answers for her family will keep her memory alive.



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Rani Payne
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Serge Bauer Law
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